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1990-91 Squad & Statistics


Boleyn Ground

Upton Park, London E13 9AZ


Martin Cearns (Chairman)

Leonard Cearns

William Cearns

Charles Warner

Peter Storrie

Terence Brown

Manager: Billy Bonds MBE

Secretary: Tom Finn

Commercial Manager: Brian Blower

1990-91 Team Group

For The Record

Hammer of the Year: Ludek Miklosko

Ever-Presents: [1] Ludek Miklosko

Leading scorer: [17] Trevor Morley

1990-91 Second Division Fixtures

1989-90 Stats Season 1990-91 1991-92 Stats


Memorial Grounds

3 - 0 (Barnes, Davidson, Grassam)

10 January 1903

Att: 4,000

Griffiths, Fair, Eccles, Bigden, Yenson, Blythe, Campbell, Grassam, Davidson, Wallace, Barnes

BRISTOL ROVERS : Southern League

Stapleton Road

1 - 1 (Wallace)

17 January 1903

Att: 4,000

Griffiths, King, Eccles, Bigden, Yenson, Blythe, Campbell, Grassam, Davidson, Wallace, Barnes

NORTHAMPTON TOWN : Southern League

Memorial Grounds

3 - 2 (Davidson, Grassam, Wallace)

17 January 1903

Att: 4,000

Griffiths, Fair, Eccles, Bigden, Yenson, Blythe, Campbell, Grassam, Davidson, Wallace, Barnes

WATFORD : Southern League

Cassio Road

1 - 2 (Campbell)

31 January 1903

Att: 5,000

Griffiths, Fair, Eccles, Bigden, Yenson, Blythe, Campbell, Grassam, Davidson, Wallace, Barnes

BRENTFORD : Southern League

Memorial Grounds

2 - 0 (Grassam 2)

7 February 1903

Att: 3,000

Griffiths, Fair, Dow, Bigden, Yenson, Blythe, Campbell, Grassam, Davidson, Wallace, Barnes


Memorial Grounds

1 - 0 (Wallace)

14 February 1903

Att: 8,000

Griffiths, Fair, Dow, Bigden, Yenson, Blythe, Campbell, Grassam, Davidson, Wallace, Barnes

The absence of "Woodward,  Kirwan and Copeland no doubt weakened the Spurs' attack, but Gilhooly, Fredericks, and Chalmers were excellent substitutes, and the Hotspurs will do well to give the Chelmsford man some further trials. The home team were alll good, and there was not a really weak spot in the team, all playing well up to the mark. Blythe was the best man on the field, and the work he got through was tremendous. Barnes, too, has seldom played, a better game; while Wallace, Yenson, and Fair improve week by week. Wallace's goal was a good  one,  but  Barnes deserves the credit for it. Dow, who turned out for Eccles, was in great form, and on one occasion saved his side when Griffiths was all but 'beaten, the ball being hooked out over his head for a corner. In fact, he played with dogged determination all through, and was very nearly, if not quite, the best back on the field.   Griffiths, Bigden, Davidson, Grassam, and Campbell were all in their usual form, and little fault could be found with any one, only Campbell will take the ball back instead of forward.
On the Spurs side their halves shone up in brilliant style; in fact, they were the best three I have seen on the ground this season; while Tait played a resolute game at back, and was ably supported by Watson previous to the latter's injury, Chalmers and Dryburgh were both in good form on the extreme wings; but Cameron was decidedly below par; while I have seen Gilhooly play many a better game. Clawley was safe, and on two occasions cleared in marvellous style.

NEW BROMPTON : Southern League

Priestfield Stadium

0 - 2

7 March 1903

Att: 7,000

Griffiths, Fair, Dow, Bigden, Yenson, Blythe, Miecznikowski, Grassam, Farrell, Wallace, Barnes

WALTER MIECZNIKOWSKI makes his Hammers debut against NEW BROMPTON at the Priestfield Stadium

SWINDON TOWN : Southern League

Memorial Grounds

1 - 1 (Farrell)

14 March 1903

Att: 4,000

Griffiths, Fair, Eccles, Bigden, Yenson, Blythe, Allan, Grassam, Farrell, Wallace, Barnes

NEW BROMPTON : Southern League

Memorial Grounds

1 - 1 (Farrell)

23 March 1903

Att: 1,000

Griffiths, Dow, Eccles, Bigden, Yenson, Blythe, Allan, Farrell, Grassam, Wallace, Barnes

LUTON TOWN : Southern League

Memorial Grounds

1 - 1 (Grassam 2, Bigden, Farrell)

28 March 1903

Att: 800

Griffiths, Fair, Eccles, Bigden, Yenson, Blythe, Allan, Farrell, Grassam, Wallace, Barnes

SWINDON TOWN : Southern League

County Ground

1 - 1 (Grassam)

4 April 1903

Att: 2,500

Biggar, Eccles, King, Bigden, Yenson, Blythe, Allan, Grassam, Farrell, Wallace, Barnes

PORTSMOUTH : Southern League

Memorial Grounds

1 - 1 (Grassam [pen])

10 April 1903

Att: 10,000

Griffiths, Fair, Eccles, Bigden, Yenson, Blythe, Allan, Farrell, Grassam, Wallace, Barnes

SOUTHAMPTON : Southern League

The Dell

0 - 6

13 April 1903

Att: 6,000

Biggar, Eccles, Dow, Bigden, Yenson, Blythe, McAteer, Farrell, Grassam, Wallace, Campbell

KETTERING TOWN : Southern League

Rockingham Road

1 - 1 (Bush)

15 April 1903

Att: 2,000

Biggar, Yenson, King, Bigden, Kelly, Parkinson, Bush, Farrell, Grassam, Wallace, Miecznikowski

HARRY PARKINSON and ROBERT BUSH both make their Hammers debut against KETTERING TOWN at Rockingham Road

LUTON TOWN : Southern League

Dunstable Road

0 - 4

18 April 1903

Att: 2,000

Griffiths, Eccles, Fair, Bigden, McAteer, Blythe, Miecznikowski, Bush, Evans, Wallace, Barnes

ROGER EVANS makes his Hammers debut against LUTON TOWN at Dunstable Road


North Greenwich

1 - 2 (Grassam)

25 April 1903

Att: 3,000

Biggar, Eccles, Dow, Parkinson, Yenson, Blythe, Allan, Bigden, Grassam, Wallace, Barnes

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